Friday, January 11, 2008

A Family Calling

I can still remember that hot July night at summer camp when God confirmed his call on my life through a prophetic word. I felt honored and excited. At the time I was fearless and felt as if I could take over the world for Christ. I had no idea of the cost not just to me but to my future family. Hey, I was 16 years old. What did I know?

Eventually I realized, as we all do, that following the call of God comes with a costly price tag. I don't seem to struggle so much with personal sacrifice though. I've always taken it with stride, at least so I thought. It was when my family began to suffer because of my calling that I got uneasy. Watching my wife and kids pay the price of ministry is very difficult for me.

So, as I always try to do, I looked to God's Word for strength. I was reading in Genesis chapter 22, where Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his ONLY son Isaac as a burnt offering. It sounded crazy! Why would God ask Abraham to offer his only son, the son with whom God promised to bless and make his descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore? It was an impossible request. It was an incredible sacrifice. I don't think that I could have done it.

That was a life-changing moment for Abraham and for Isaac. His faith was tested and he passed with flying colors. Abraham's family learned that "the call" went beyond Abraham. It was a family CALLING, a family SACRIFICE and a family BLESSING.

I don't think that I am quite the man that Abraham was but I'm praying that I get there. My family has already faced suffering and sacrifice and I'm sure that there is more to come. I know that doesn't sound very compelling but I am confident that it also means that there is more blessing to follow! After all, everything that God promised Abraham and his family came to pass.

Obedience to the call of God may require sacrifice for you and your family, but the rewards and fulfilled promises are unending. Besides, the blessings will also be for those to whom we minister - our church and community. Lord, help me to have the faith to obey and a willingness to sacrifice as Abraham did.

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