Tuesday, January 15, 2008


"What do you think it will take to reach the next generation?" Bob prodded.

Louie (Giglio) became pensive. And then he nailed all of us. "Well," he said at last, "we've talked about some idead that we like, but then we jokingly said that we didn't like them enough to die for them. My read on the next generation is that they are looking for precisely that - something important enough to die for - and they're willing to follow someone who will put their life on the line for that cause."


We knew immediately Louie was right. And not just about the next generation. Men and women everywhere, of all ages, have longed to be part of something bigger than themselves. Something permanent. Something that matters. And in their best moments, they're willing to lay down their lives for that cause. (Made To Count, Bob Record & Randy singer, Word Publishing, 2004, pg 85-86)

What about you? As a leader, what are you willing to die for? I don't have to give you a history lesson and tell you about our forefathers who sacrificed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness so that we could enjoy those pleasures ourselves. I don't need to remind you of Abraham, Moses, David, James and Paul, all of whom lived and died for something bigger than themselves.

1. Am I as willing to die for the "big picture" today as I was when I first started ministry? If "no", what has changed and why? If "yes", how have I remained so steadfast?
2. What is that primary cause or calling that I am willing to die for?
3. How easily do others see what I am willing to die for?
4. How have I helped others to buy into this bigger picture?
5. Pray that God will reveal one or two individuals that you can share your BIG picture with.

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